BAR Master Price List August 2014 - page 460

2014 August 1: Prices exclude Freight and GST. Subject to change without notice
In Australia with our multi cultural society and International outlook it is common to have pump applications expressed in several formats rather than
the supposedly standard litres per minute and pressure in bar or metres head. To help address this we hope the following common conversions will
be of some assistance.
Litres multiplied by
US Gallons multiplied by
UK (Imperial) Gallons multiplied by
0.2642 = US Gallons
3.7854 = Litres
4.542 = litres
0.2202 = UK gallons
0.8333 = UK gallons
1.2 = US Gallons
61.024 = Cubic inches
231 = Cubic inches
277.2 = Cubic Inches
0.0353 = Cubic feet
0.1336 = Cubic feet
0.1597 = Cubic feet
Bar (at sea level) multiplied by
1 Pound per sq in (psi) multiplied by
1 Kilogram / sq cm (kg/cm2) multiplied by
14.504 = Pounds per sq' inch (psi)
0.06895 = Bar
14.223 = Pounds per sq' inch (psi)
100 = Kilopascals (kPa)
6.895 = Kilopascals (kPa)
0.9807 = Bar
0.98692 = Atmosphere
0.06805 = Atmosphere
98.07 = Kilopascals
1.02 = kilograms / sq cm
0.070307 = kilograms / sq cm
0.9678 = Atmosphere
33.6 = foot water column (pump head ft) 2.309 = foot water column (pump head ft)
10.24 = metres water column
0.7038 = metres water column
10.00 = metres water column (pump head m)
(pump head m)
(pump head m)
inches (in.)
x 25.4 = millimetres (mm)
square inches
x 6.4516 = square centimetres
feet (ft)
x 304.8 = millimetres (mm)
square feet
x 0.092903 = square metres
feet (ft)
x 0.3048 = metres (m)
square yards
x 0.8361 = square metres
yards (yd)
x 0.9144 = metres (m)
x 0.004047 = square kilograms
miles (mi)
x 1,609.3 = metres (m)
x 0.4047 = hectares
miles (mi)
x 1.0693 = kilometres (k)
square miles
x 2.59 = square kilometres
The above conversions should be used as a guide only
Horsepower (hp)
x 0.746 = kilowatts (kW)
due to necessary "rounding".
Barrel oil
x 158.99 = litres (l)
32.84 = foot water column (pump head ft)
Common Conversions
1...,450,451,452,453,454,455,456,457,458,459 461,462,463,464,465,466,467,468,469,470,...515
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