What does the “045” in a 25 045 Nozzle mean?
The”045” is a reference point In defining the orifice size of a Nozzle. All Spray Nozzles are rated at a flow point in USGPM rated at 4000psi. Exam-
ples to help understand:
- an 045 nozzle delivers 4.5USGPM at 4000Psi - an 060 nozzle delivers 6.0USGPM at 40000Psi - an 030 nozzle delivers 3.0USGPM at 4000Psi
0° 15° 25° 40°
Turbo Nozzles spray water out of 0
orifice. The spray exits the nozzle at an angle while rotating. This rotation allows the spray
to simulate a spray pattern, therefore, it allows the operator to cover a larger area. With the increased tearing action of the rotating
spray, the turbo nozzle handles caked on mud, peeling paint, concrete cleaning and other applications where a flat fan wont cut it
0° Blasting Nozzle
15° Chiselling Nozzle
This nozzle delivers a very concentrated stream of water. Care should be used
to avoid gouging wood or damaging fragile surfaces.
Uses: Removing weeds from sidewalk cracks, stubborn stains from concrete,
masonry, aluminium & steel, caked mud from equipment and mower decks
The spray should be directed at a 45 degree angle to the surface and used
like a scraper to remove paint, grease & dirt.
Uses: Surface preparation (removing peeling paint & mildew stains, cleaning
gutters & downspouts).
25° Flushing Nozzle
With a narrower spray pattern than the 40
nozzle and with a more concen-
trated spray pressure, this nozzle is best suited for flushing dirt, mud & grime.
Uses: Wet sweeping leaves from walks, curbs & driveways, cleaning stable
floors. Washing the bottom of swimming pools & blasting BBQ grills
40° Wash Nozzle
The wide spray pattern disperses water over a large area and is recom-
mended for rinsing and moderate washing.
Uses:Washing down aluminium siding, cleaning windows, washing vehicles,
spraying sidewalks, drive ways & patios
Used for low pressure spraying. This nozzle will allow a soft spray soaking of
the surface with a liquid soap or detergent.
Uses: Equipment cleaning, removing mildew & oxidation stains from houses,
cleaning effervescent brick & degreasing
Choosing the correct nozzle is important for output and
smooth function of your high pressure cleaner.
Nozzle too small = machine permanently switches into bypass
or off
Nozzle too wide = machine has a small output, lower pressure
How to choose the correct nozzle?
Make sure you know the flow and pressure of the high
pressure cleaner e.g. 15 l/min at a working pressure of
3000 Psi
On the second row, find the nearest pressure to 3000
psi i.e.2900 Psi
Flow the column down to the nearest flow to 15 l/min
i.e. 14.6 l/min.
Look left to the first column
The nozzle size you need is 045
Effective Working Pressure is a meaningless number designed to mislead.
In the Australian market, some use the term EWP to create the impression that
a pump can dramatically increase the performance of a machine by adding a
Turbo Nozzle i.e. the pump on a pressure cleaner may be rated to 3000Psi
and some say by adding a Turbo, the EWP increases to 4500 Psi.
Our comment on this: You cannot change the engineering capabilities of a
pump simply by adding a device such as a Turbo to the end of a lance. The
turbo actually increase you cleaning speed, not you pressure
Nozzles & Washing Accessories
Nozzle Selection Guide